Saturday 22 October 2011

Ancient African Tribes in the Omo Valley of Southern Ethiopia

A large number of ancient African tribes still live in the Omo Valley region of Southern Ethiopia. We visit some of them while we are staying in Jinka.

Men of the Mursi tribe

Jinka is the main capital of scotland - the Omo valley, and it is market is used by most tribes to trade their items. When we go to the market, however, we mainly see “normal” city people. The products are spread on the ground, but due to the rain it's more like a mud pool. So rather than roaming the market we decide to visit a local pub. Ideas play with some children along with a group of singing Aari women passes. One of these is getting married and it is dressed nicely. We witness a bachelor party African style.

Aari tribe

Aari woman

The next day is restricted to a visit by jeeps towards the remote part of the Mursi tribe. Due to bad road conditions, however, the trip is cancelled. Instead, we're brought to a village from the Aari tribe, to consider a look around.
The Aari is really a relatively modern tribe. They don't wear traditional clothing or produce other tribe-specific looks. However they live in small huts where we are able to take a look around. Additionally they sing and dance for all of us, but it’s not really a spectacular dance. Some drunken man humm and experience a flute when they step around.

We choose to walk the 8 miles to Jinka. After a while we hear singing from the small church. Once we look at the entrance we're invited inside, to sign up in the Sunday church service. There's room for all of us on the front row, where we take a seat while everybody continues singing. The enthusiasm that everybody sings is within contrast using the church services in your own home. The priest however, is really as long-winded as the priests in Holland, maybe because we don’t know very well what he is saying. So before long we say goodbye to carry on our walk home.

Visit from the Mursi tribe


Mursi Woman with Lip-Plate, Omo Valley, Ethiopia
Mursi Woman with Lip-Plate, Omo Valley, Ethiopia

When we cannot go to the Mursi, the Mursi will have to come to us. There appear to be a few people of the Mursi tribe doing some shopping in Jinka. They are asked to pay us a visit, and at 5 pm they arrive at the gate of our hotel/campsite. We arrange some benches to sit on and a jerry can with locally brewed beer. We start looking at each other and we are allowed to make pictures. As the jerry can empties, the Mursi become active.

One by one they stand up and perform some kind of dance. It is unclear whether this is a traditional dance or they made it up on the spot. In any case, they seem to enjoy it, until one of them starts acting a bit annoying to the others. It almost ends in a street fight, but when the initiator is removed it returns to normal.

Unfortunately, only two women are present, who do not wear a traditional lip plate. We can see, however, how the lower lip is stretched to fit such a plate. And they brought two babies, painted as they are, who drink from the breast. All in all, we are satisfied with their visit, which is a good alternative for our cancelled visit to their village. But when the jerry can gets empty, it’s better that they leave since they become a little aggressive. From the looks of it, the Mursi is still a primitive tribe.

Mursi Baby

Bana village

Our last day in Jinka we choose to visit the local market inside a Bana village 15 miles on vacation. As we arrive, however, it rains and also the marketplace is empty. We stand in our truck and because the rain stops, increasingly more Bana people appear. The women get their hair in breads, hold together by butter. On the heads many of them carry the calabash additionally they use to drink from. Lots of ornaments as well as an animal skin complete their looks.

We walk around because the market fills up. We take pictures, for a small fee or shifty, and have fun with the children. Once we play soccer we're surrounded by a crowd of 50-some people. We laugh because they hide for approaching balls, we don't succeed in teaching them a good header. 

Bana market

Our driver Gerard also attracts a crowd as he sits in the center of the square to purchase eggs. Everybody sells just Two or three and Gerard requires a lot for the breakfast the approaching days. And thus we play in the local economy. Only our guide Abebe is complaining. Our presence has raised the going rate of some goods so he can't afford to buy anything.

In Jinka we visit a family who’s son is sponsored with a former travel in our tour company. We're welcomed with a nice young woman with four other young kids (the sponsored boy reaches school in Addis Abeba). We participate in a coffee ceremony and therefore are offered baked potatoes and fruit once we communicate via our guide Abebe. During the night, they visit our camp where we provide them with their family portrait, shot with this camera and printed about the trucks laptop. They're very impressed and pleased with it.

The following day we leave Jinka. But we're not leaving the Omo Valley at this time, not before an encounter using the Bana and Hamer tribes...




Friday 21 October 2011

Experience the Great Hiking Trails of Camelback Mountain

Camelback Mountain has turned into a red rock based mountain located in Phoenix, Arizona. This mountain can be a major part of the Phoenix skyline and resembled one of the largest red rock mountain type of mountain.

The sheer rock surface, unique red rocks and wonderful area makes Camelback Mountain one of the most visited trails in the region.

If you're thinking of hiking up Camelback Mountain this can be a quick guide filled with many tips and sights you could see if you're to hike within the mountain.

Trails. There's two distinctive trails on Camelback Mountain. The very first ascends over 1,200 ft above sea level and rises along side it from the mountain. It's known as Echo Mountain Trail. Another trail is Cholla Mountain Trail which is very similar to the initial trail.

Activity Level. Each trail is known as very strenuous according to the type of activity that is required for the mountain hike. There are many boulders, rocks, climbing and unsteady land which will make this trail a hard climb.

Time Involved. Time associated with each hike is about 1.5 hours to 4 hours round trip. Based on how long you have to look at the various views and wildlife that's round the area it could take you longer.

Rock climbing. There are various areas available on Camelback Mountain that are perfect for rock climbing. The Praying Monk is regarded as the popular rock climbing area on Camelback Mountain that allows people to climb the various rock surfaces. There are lots of areas to battle the ropes that rock climbers need.

Temperature. The temperature on Camelback Mountain will often reach a lot more than 100 degrees. It is best if you are going to go to hiking about this mountain trail that you just consider packing sunscreen, dress lightly and prepare with a lot of water

Thursday 13 October 2011

Underwater Caves at Dive Resort


Ginnie Springs is way from Florida's popular attractions, nestled inside a beautiful, lush setting among centuries-old cypress trees within the rolling hills of Northern Florida near the Georgia border. Among hundreds of natural springs in this region of the state -- they're area of the massive, intricate Florida Aquifer that supplies the majority of the state's h2o -- it features probably the most amazing Underwater Cave and cavern diving with in the world.

My guide for my expedition for "Good Morning America Weekend" was Wes Skiles, popular underwater photographer and videographer who was raised near High Springs, Fla., the nearest town to Ginnie Springs. Skiles first dived the spring 40 years ago when he only agreed to be a teenager.

In those times, he had to hike with the woods to get at the spring. Today, Ginnie Springs is definitely accessible by car. It's found on private property, and there is a supply store where one can rent dividing gear and purchase the permit.

In the beginning sight, it does not look like much, only a pretty pond with crystalline waters opening to the darker-hued Santa Fe River. Three ladders descend towards the shallow spring. It's only about one yard deep. But peering in to the middle, you can observe the darker form of a gaping hole. It's what's down that hole that draws scuba divers from round the world: two "rooms" carved through the subterranean flow of water for an incredible number of years.

"This may be the last unexplored frontier on the planet," Skiles says from the allure of cave diving. "Only people can penetrate underwater to those virgin places where no light has ever shined, and you are in a place nobody has have you been in, completely unexplored."

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Africa VacationxTravel


The Victoria Falls, one of the world's "natural wonders," are situated on the Zambezi River, on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Victoria Falls is among the Seven Wonders from the Natural World along with a UNESCO World Hertiage Site. At its peak flow around June, a mile-wide chasm 100m lower is filled with the roar of water falling for a price of 3,000 tonnes per... 
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African safari holidays really are a fabulous experience for everyone. Tribes would love to assist you to plan the very best itinerary. African safari holidays really are a fabulous experience for everyone. Tribes would love to assist you to plan the very best itinerary, The sweetness and beauty of Africa is revealed with its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife of shapes and sizes,... 
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Kenya’s Safari Tours would be the most desired by tourists looking to get a peek at the Great African Wildlife. Kenya, the land where safari was created, also known as the cradle of mankind, is really a land of unashamed splendor and great contrast. In the highlands of central Kenya towards the great Rift valley and it is resident lakes across towards the second largest lake on the... 
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